At PD yesterday with Ann Baker, we were treated to a modelled problematised lesson with a JP class.
Ann mentioned Dylan Wiliam being emphatic about kids not getting enough thinking time and commented on the culture we have of relationship rescue. As learners we need to have opportunities where we struggle for learning and this does not occur when we are rescued. This meant that for a room full of teachers we had to restrain from putting on super hero capes and rescuing students in the class, we watched many of them stare blankly at their page. But we also noticed them looking at others and listening to others. During this time they had opportunities to think, take risks, learn from mistakes, be responsible learners and be in the struggle of learning. Some kids copied from the board, but they were still engaged and working out a way into this proble . Importantly the task and pedagogy allowed multi entry points and encouraged students to be a community of learners. 
The role of the todays teacher is to approach learning maths with a task that goes beyond fluency.We also need to work diagnostically so learning intervention,  the what next of learning and assessment/reporting processes are effective and accurate.
At the last regional leaders day the TfEL team facilitated learning for leaders around the executive functions of the brain, intellectual stretch / increasing cognitive demands of learners.
Dan Myer is a mathematician who increases cognitive demand in maths lessons through irresistible questions, conversations, multimedia, wrong answer safety and thinking made visible by participants.
He has a project called 101 questions, there are many resources and support questions for bringing  problematised type situations into classrooms that enable students to stretch their cognitive demand and work beyond fluency. A great feature about this site is that it allows you to search for keywords or year levels. I love Charlies Gumballs when I did a year 2 search and I wanted to engage in the mathematical thinking and possibilities.

The clip alongside is Ann discussing and modelling a problematised situation with a 6/7 class.

Thank you to the DECD Digital Learning and Communications team for creating this video to support SA teachers.

R/1 class

Ann hooked the students with a story about her neighbour Kai who had just turned 7 and got a bug catcher for his birthday.
Kai caught 4 ants, 5 spiders and  6 caterpillars.
The students were challenged to find out how many bugs altogether and how many legs altogether.
They also had to show their thinking on the page.
(the answer wasn't the key intention of this lesson)
A goal Ann sets is to interview and annotate a few students work and while doing this I observed her using the secret code language (double, count on)
She gave prompts to students like could you count them differently, to be quicker? and then scaffolded learning by counting by 2s.
Anecdotal notes need to focus on what the student can do.
Sally can count with 1 to 1 correspondence beyond 20, she could also record numerals 0-9 accurately.When prompted Sally Sally counted by 2s up to 8.With scaffolding she .......
The language,processes and diagnostic focus were also embedded into the whole class reflection at the end.
My 2 words to capture the lesson for students could be thinking and learning.
My 2 words to capture the lesson for the teacher are questioning and diagnostics.

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