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Thank you to the Jervois staff who lead the learning and sharing tonight. It was a great opportunity for you to share your Natural Maths journey which began last year for all of you in different ways. I will be at Jervois again next Monday capturing some more of the work in Natural Maths to share with the cluster and beyond via this blog.

Here's what 
What I learned
by the end of reception the minimum expectations of children are :

·      to count on 
·      subitise 
·      count back
·      double

by the end of year one:
·      all of the above 
·      turn around
·      friendly numbers
       rainbow facts 
So What
My interpretation of this learning
We need to focus on learning this secret code inside out and back to front!!!!!

It is our responsibility to get the balls in motion!!!!!!  

All children should have automaticity of all number facts by the end of year 2.    

Now what?
My action plan to build on this new learning
Immediate action plan-

·      include a mental routine and reflection into all maths lessons

·      spend the rest of the term learning the secret code

·      make a maths wall