Last Friday ended up with conversations at the high school, these were around the science start up group and how we can share ideas, information and our work on teaching students in year 6/7 and 8 in AC science. This is a transition point for our students and we need to work together to make the learning and the transition as successful as it can be. The science start up group involving staff reps from MB North, MB South, Tailem Bend, MBHS and a Mypolonga proxy (me) will aim to create deeper understandings and look at possible strategies and processes for improving what we do. This group will look at ways to share and gather input from other MB cluster sites and staff too.

I am also excited to be heading out to Jervois later today to facilitate a PD session with a strong link to AC ICT general capabilities for our 21st Century Learners.

Paul and I have been exploring possible models to connect educators and learners across the Murray Mallee.
Paul CC
[email protected]
Submitted on 2013/02/20 at 10:06 am
Excellent use of connected learning. Hope this becomes a great place to progress your work. Best of luck, Paul

I have been fortunate enough to visit all seven schools a few times each in our cluster during the first few weeks of the term and WOW! I have met a range of Committed Cods ( Murray and Mallee Educators), working towards the continued implementation of the Australian Curriculum, improved practice in teaching and learning and success for all students.

I will mention some of my highlights so far,

Mypolonga Primary aim high for their students and staff. One way they are approaching this is through TfEL. The quality test key questions are clearly displayed in their staff room under the headings of intentionality, effectiveness , consistency and responsiveness. They are taking this to the next level in upcoming weeks and have planned a teacher observation process to enable observations and reflection.

Murray Bridge School had a staff member create a literacy desk mat for their class. This resource will enable her students are supported and will work towards common language and understandings with literacy requirements.

Murray Bridge High school planned ahead and have included the Dylan Wiliam traffic light strategy into student diaries. What a great way to empower students and their learning and for quick and timely feedback for staff.

I would like to welcome all Committed Cods !

I see this place as a space where many committed educators can connect, support and stretch one another regardless of location, roles, experience and expertise. I will certainly be stretching myself with my first blog!